Scan our boarding passes? No ma’am. Not this time.
When I boarded my plane in my smallish town of Lafayette, LA, they checked our names off of a paper on a clip board and manually input our seat numbers into the computer. I had no idea I was flying on the day of the global IT outage.
All I knew was it was an opportunity to enjoy a weekend in dreamy Charleston, SC with the amazing creative and entrepreneurial ladies of Founders Society.
After much delay in the Atlanta airport, canceled flights, wrong gate numbers and entire screens in the airport not working, I finally departed the mayhem of the ginormous Atlanta airport and made it to Charleston. My Uber dropped me off late that night and I entered our gorgeous home on Ashley Street … our home for the weekend.
Our magical weekend consisted of making our own candles at Charleston Candle Company, lunches, shopping, walks through Charleston, as well as journaling sessions about our “why" and giving us courage to dream big about our creative journeys. We each gave our own “Ted Talks” on a topic we felt was important and had some insight to share. (Mine was about email marketing - it’s not fun but it is so valuable.) The book exchange and the “Very Expensive Portrait Artist” portraits were hilarious highlights of our time together.
New Friends
Candle Making at Charleston Candle Company
Sunday night was our final dinner together. Let me set the stage.
A soiree on a summer evening on a side porch of a beautiful home in Charleston. Flowers arranged in whimsical vases. Pale green candles cast a soft flickering light on an amazing group of creative entrepreneurs. As the evening progressed and our celebratory dinner was served, the sun set on our last night together.

A magical evening curated by a group of creatives
Cheers to all of the places being an artist has taken me!
Superlatives were presented and I was given “most likely to say thank you.” I love those words and big YES ~ I am so appreciative of these ladies and Founders Society for a most beautiful and impactful weekend.
Thank you.🤍
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Hosted by: Founders Society
Photographs by: Hevesi Journal
Field trip to: Charleston Candle Company
Accommodations by: StayDuvet